
台灣參與ICANN 提名委員會(NomCom)遴選新任董事以及臨時ALAC成員工作辦法摘要
新任ICANN董事會, 預計於2003年6月蒙特婁會議結束前上任...

新任ICANN董事會, 預計於2003年6月蒙特婁會議結束前上任. 成員共計15名及6名non-voting連絡官(如附件II). 董事席次需兼顧區域平衡發展原則, 意即各區(北美, 中南美, 歐洲, 非洲, 及亞太)至少一人, 至多不超過五人. NomCom將負責遴選八名新任董事, 其餘由各Supporting Group以及CEO擔任…

提名截止日期: 5 May 2003
詳見原文連結: http://www.icann.org/committees/nom-comm/formal-call-05apr03.htm (posted on April 5th, 2003)
FAQ: http://www.icann.org/committees/nom-comm/faqs.htm (Version 1, posted on April 16th, 2003)

Statement of Interest (如附件I, 收件處 nomcom.submissions@icann.org)


一. 新任ICANN董事會, 預計於2003年6月蒙特婁會議結束前上任. 成員共計15名及6名non-voting連絡官(如附件II). 董事席次需兼顧區域平衡發展原則, 意即各區(北美, 中南美, 歐洲, 非洲, 及亞太)至少一人, 至多不超過五人. NomCom將負責遴選八名新任董事, 其餘由各Supporting Group以及CEO擔任. 現已認命之新任董事人選為:

· Africa:
· Mouhamet Diop (from the Address Supporting Organization)
· Asia/Pacific:
· Paul Twomey (ICANN新任President and CEO)
· Europe:
· None yet selected
· Latin America/Caribbean:
· None yet selected
· North America:
· Lyman Chapin (from the Address Supporting Organisation)
· John Klensin (Internet Architecture Board Liaison)

  Mouhamet Diop (備註: 確定連任)
  Nii Quaynor
  Masanobu Katoh (尋求連任)
  Sang-Hyon Kyong
  Jun Murai
  Paul Twomey (ICANN 新任President and CEO)
  Amadeu Abril i Abril
  Hans Kraaijenbrink
  Andy Mueller-Maguhn
  Helmut Schink
  Francisco A. Jesus Silva
·Latin America/Caribbean:
  Alejandro Pisanty (Vice-Chairman)
  Ivan Moura Campos
·North America:
  Karl Auerbach
  Vinton G. Cerf (Chairman)
  Lyman Chapin (備註: 確定連任)
  Jonathan Cohen
  Linda S. Wilson (NomCom主席, 依規定不得參選)

二. 臨時ALAC (At-Large Advisory Committee)為代表一般Internet User參與ICANN的組織. 此次提名委員會將在五大區各再遴選一名加入ALAC運作. 現經ICANN董事會任命之ALAC之人選為:

Pierre Dandjinou (Benin)
Clement Dzidonu (Ghana)
Izumi Aizu (Japan)
Xue Hong (China)
Vittorio Bertola (Italy)
Thomas Roessler (Germany)
Latin America/Caribbean
Erick Iriarte Ahon (Peru)
Sebastian J. Ricciardi (Argentina)
North America
Esther Dyson (United States)
Wendy Seltzer (United States)

三. 現任NomCom成員為:

Christian Ahlert, Mark Bohannon, Leopoldo Brandt, Pavan Duggal, Brett Fausett, Grant Forsyth, Henning Grote, Don Heath, Didier Kasole, Ram Mohan, Mike Roberts, Mike St. Johns, Anthony Staley, Marc Schneiders, Antonio Tavares, German Valdez, Danny Weitzner, Christopher Wilkinson, Linda Wilson (Chair), and Pindar Wong (Associate Chair).


共計: 8席
任期: 11 席次
起任日 卸任日
3 (見說明)
26 June 2003 2003年底
26 June 2003 2004年底
26 June 2003 2005年底
3(見說明) Conclusion of Annual Meeting 2003 2006年底

[說明: 該三名董事將有兩個任期: 自26th June 2003 至 2003年末為第一任. 第二任自2003年末至2006年末. 該表亦說明了有三名董事任期為三年半, 另三名為一年半, 另二名為二年半]

共計: 5席
任期: 5 席次
起任日 卸任日
26 June 2003 2004年底
3 26 June 2003 2005年底

[該表說明了有二名成員任期為一年半, 另三名為二年半]


一. ICANN董事

--健全的人格胸襟, 熟悉團體決策模式
--董事的工作, 除特定費用外, 為無給職

二. ALAC Member
--能有效綜合, 了解, 並充分表達Internet User的意見
--與現任ALAC Member 在能力與經驗上做出區隔

--NomCom會對所有被提名者進行徵信工作 (被提名者須無條件同意)
--NomCom的遴選是有決定性的. 不需經過董事會或其他組織同意
--ICANN其他Supporting Group Council Member不得參加提名
--本次TWNIC不參加GNSO Council提名



一. 依TWNIC第十三次國際事務委員會決議(九十二年四月十一日)由TWNIC斟酌辦理推薦工作

二. 建議時程

4/14: 於TWNIC網站上公佈NomCom原文訊息
4/15: 公佈中文摘要訊息
4/16: 向TWNIC董監事及各組委員經電子郵件發布該訊息
4/18前: 完成訊息公佈作業
4/25前: 完成人選意願徵詢工作並備齊基本資料
4/31前: 協調確定人選並完成審核文件之撰寫
5/2 前: 人選資料交付國際事務委員會備查

詳見原文連結: http://www.icann.org/committees/nom-comm/formal-call-05apr03.htm


ICANN Nominating Committee
Statement of Interest

If you agree to be considered for selection by the ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom) please complete this Statement of Interest.

If any required item is missing information, the Statement of Interest will be considered incomplete and you will not be considered a Candidate for selection by the NomCom.

Therefore, please ensure that you complete all of the required items (a-o) below. Item p is optional.

Please complete this form in English and limit your response to less than 3,500 words.

Once your Statement of Interest is complete, please e-mail it to <nomcom.submissions@icann.org>.

NomCom will only consider electronic submissions via e-mail.

Use of plain text is highly encouraged. There should be no additional attachments to this Statement of Interest (e.g., do not attach any Resume/CV).

Please provide the meaning of any acronyms used to reference an organization or activity, and state the purpose of the organization or activity.

5 May 2003 is the deadline for your submission to be received by NomCom for full consideration.

======== BEGIN

Required (a) Your name (first name, family name)

[Insert your name here.]

Required (b) Your e-mail address

[Insert your e-mail address here.]

Required (c) Your telephone number

[Insert your telephone number here; please include country and city/area codes.]

Required (d) Your country of citizenship

[Insert your country of citizenship here. If dual citizenship, please state both.]

Required (e) Your country of residence

[Insert your country of residence.]

Required (f) Position(s) for which you would like to be considered.
(Mark all that apply.)

___ICANN Board ___GNSO Council ___ Interim ALAC

Required (g) Current role and accomplishments in the Internet community

[Please tell us about your previous/current roles in the Internet community.]

Required (h) Current and past 'professional' positions/roles/accomplishments

[Please tell us about your experience profile.]

Required (i) Current and past 'volunteer' positions/roles/accomplishments

[What other volunteer positions/accomplishments would you like to tell us about because of their bearing on your Candidacy?]

Required (j) Statement about what you would contribute to ICANN and its mission.

[Please state clearly how you see yourself contributing to ICANN and its mission.]

Required (k) Statement about how you meet the criteria for the position(s) (See Section F in the Formal Call for eligibility, criteria and other selection factors)

[Insert your answer here.]

Required (l) A list of two or three persons whom NomCom may contact about your candidacy, giving their names, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, professional positions, and a brief description of your relationship with them.

[Insert your references and the requested information about them here.]

Required (m) If selected to serve, are you willing to serve:
(Mark all that apply.)

___ through close of ICANN Annual meeting in 2003.
___ through close of ICANN Annual meeting in 2004.
___ through close of ICANN Annual meeting in 2005.
___ through close of ICANN Annual meeting in 2006.

[See the Formal Call Section E: Positions to be filled and their associated Terms of Duty. The terms vary in length due to the transition to the new ICANN Structure.]

Required (n) Under the NomCom's procedures, your candidacy will be treated by NomCom as confidential unless you give NomCom your permission to disclose it or unless NomCom is consulting your references and doing third-party reference checks from selected sources on a confidential basis. Once selections are made, the NomCom will make the identities of the selected Candidates public. Although NomCom will take reasonable steps to ensure that its confidentiality procedures are followed, Candidates shall have no claims against ICANN, the NomCom, or affiliated persons in the event information is disclosed despite these procedures.

You also authorize the NomCom to consult with your references and do third-party reference checks. You will not be entitled to review or access any of the information received, generated, or considered by the NomCom regarding any Candidate, or any of the NomCom's discussions or deliberations regarding any Candidate. Candidates have no right to challenge or seek review of the NomCom's selections.

Please confirm your understanding and agreement with these arrangements by marking the box below:

_____Yes, I agree to be a Candidate under these confidentiality and other arrangements.

Optional (o) Is there any additional information you would like to submit that would be helpful to NomCom in making its decision? If so, please summarize it here.

[Insert your answer here.]

======== END

NomCom values your interest in being a candidate for the positions it is charged to fill. We expect and rely on your integrity in presenting your qualifications and experience. We appreciate your effort in completing this Statement of Interest.

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臺北市羅斯福路二段9號4樓之2 Website:www.twnic.net.tw
Tel:+886-2-2341-1313 Fax:+886-2-2396-8832 E-mail:service@twnic.net.tw